CSA Membership Shares

CSA Full Shares

CSA Full Share, 10 weeks Each Season


Please fill out and mail with payment for your reservation.

Floyd Keisler

Moss Hill Farm

13230 Freemanville Rd

Milton, Ga 30004




Email addresses (for newsletters and communication):



Choose a Seasonal Share Option (circle which season):

1. Spring Share --- 10 weeks, begins April 14th, ends June 21st $550.00

2. Summer share -- 10 weeks, begins June 23rd, ends August 30th $550.00

3. Fall Share - 10 weeks from September 1st, ends November 8th $550.00

A confirmation of acceptance will be sent within 1 week.

We accept cash or checks made out to Floyd Keisler.

Check #_________ Enclosed amount $___________

Location for pickup:

Pickup at the farm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after 1:00 from the tables at the pavilion. A white basket with your name on it. Please bring your own containers.

Choice of which day: ____________________________________

Please initial to understand that you will comply with the information on our website on the CSA policies/manual page and will sign the Release and Waiver of Liabilities and Claims. They are located at the link below. __________


[email protected]


E-newsletter will be sent out each week on Sunday night with information about the farm, recipes, and what is available in the shares. We can adjust your pickup time if you let us know on Sunday night of the week you pick up. (We use e-mail for farm communications only. We do not share your e-mail address with anyone else.) 

Our mission is to provide the most healthy organically biodynamically grown food possible for local families using the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) method. Moss Hill Farm uses premium organic methods following Bio-Dynamic practices putting our major emphasis on creating good healthy soil. 

We apply the biodynamic processes to our 1+-acre, intensively grown market garden. It is in constant production with vegetables, herbs, and cover crops grown for our CSA members. We do not market at farmers markets, restaurants, individual, or co-ops, but only to our CSA members. Our mission includes growing nutritious healthy fresh wholesome real food; providing hands-on education for all ages; and pursuing the highest level of sustainable soil. 

We treat our land respectfully and do not add any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. As a living system, we feed our soil with herbal homeopathic preparations, green manure, cover crops, organic supplements, organic fertilizer.

Contact us today to become a member of this community. It will be a pleasure to have you here with us!


Get In Touch

How Can We Help You Today?

We are looking forward to hearing from you. It will be a pleasure to reply to you as soon as possible.