Most vegetables have many storage techniques that work. We’ve listed several suggestions to help your keep your produce fresh.
Beans and Peas: Put in a green plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Cucumbers, Eggplant, Peppers, and Summer Squash: Wipe off until dry and store in refrigerator.
Herbs: Put in green plastic bag without water in the refrigerator or with the stems in a cup of water on the counter.
Leafy Greens & Green Veggies: Put in green plastic bag with paper towel to absorb the moisture (so they don't get slimy) and refrigerate, or wash off first, roll up in clean kitchen towel, and place in a green plastic bag (they last long and are ready to eat).
Onions, Potatoes, and Tomatoes: Place in a paper bag on the counter or in a dark, dry place that is not too warm, but don’t store onions and potatoes together. If trying to ripen tomatoes, leave on windowsill. (Don’t wash dirt off of potatoes, they keep longer with soil on them until you are ready to use).
Winter Squash: Keep uncovered in a well-ventilated, cool, dark place.
Root Crops (beets, carrots, celeriac, radish, turnip): Put in green plastic bag in the refrigerator - don't wash until ready to use.
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